
Specific solutions

adapted to your needs

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Advice and assistance in setting up and commercial development in Africa

Relying on a network of trusted influential people as well as on a good knowledge of the field and the environment, AETIAL can facilitate the establishment of companies in Africa and promote their commercial development in certain African countries.

The advice and assistance to the establishment can begin with awareness sessions on the situation in a region or a country as well as specific training including the study of concrete cases and the resolution of various problems. It continues with support in the field including putting in touch with people and structures capable of ensuring the protection of the company and its members, assisting in the drafting as well as the implementation of security procedures and facilitate business development.

For companies that do not wish to establish a physical presence in Africa but wish to establish commercial links, AETIAL has the ability to put them in touch with trusted local correspondents, who will be able to promote their activities and guide them in the search for relevant access.

Advice and assistance in the acquisition of equipment and security devices

Thanks to its network of trusted operators in Africa, Europe, North America and China, as well as the technological watch of its partners, AETIAL has the ability to best meet the specific needs of African governments or private companies established in Africa, in security equipment and devices, in electronic and digital systems, in means of transport as well as in telecommunications encrypted solutions, global interconnection and network autonomy.

Relying on the best experts in the fields of cybersecurity, cryptology, telecommunications as well as on trusted manufacturers in China, France and North America guaranteeing the quality of their devices and production, AETIAL offers solutions strictly adapted to needs, according to the highest standards of technology and at the most adjusted prices.

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